


This link will allow you to provide information relating to your business including services offered by your company or an affiliate (collectively, "Submissions"). Submissions provided by you in connection with this link shall be deemed to be provided on a non proprietary and non confidential basis. Cairn India Limited shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to your Submissions and you grant Cairn India Limited permission to display, re-format, use, modify, adapt, enhance, translate, publish, and disseminate such Submissions on an unrestricted basis for any purpose at Cairn India Limited'\s sole discretion. You acknowledge that you are responsible for your Submissions, and you, not Cairn India Limited, have full responsibility for your Submissions, including their legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and copyright. You also agree that furnishing your business details does not entitle you to any business from Cairn India Limited and you will not hold Cairn India Limited or its affiliates or any of its officials, directors, employees or representatives accountable on this account.

I Agree

Guidelines for evincing interest for an open expression of interest

  1. If you are an existing supplier; please enter your Smart Source ID and Email ID and click Submit to evince interest for this Expression of Interest.
  2. If you are a prospective supplier to Cairn India Limited & participating in expression of interest for the first time, please follow the instructions below
  • Please furnish valid email id and latest contact details
  • Post submission, you will need to verify the details by following instructions sent to your submitted email id
  • Our database shall be updated after email verification is completed
  • Once the submission process is complete, you will receive a User ID and an invitation email to login to Smart Source (Cairn’s e Sourcing platform)